MAN approves all marine engines for renewable diesel

MAN has approved all marine engines from its current product range for use with renewable diesel fuel, meaning customers can replace conventional petroleum-based diesel fuel with ‘green’ or renewable diesel.

The engine approval is in line with the standard EN15940 in Europe and the US-American specification ASTM D975 of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

Renewable diesel fuel is obtained from waste and residues of animal and plant origin, cellulosic biomass such as crop residues, but also hydro-treated vegetable oils (HVO).

“With the approval of marine engines for renewable diesel fuel, MAN Engines is making an important contribution to sustainability, both in recreational and professional sailing,” says Claus Benzler, head of marine at MAN Engines.

The combustion of renewable diesel fuel releases approximately 30 per cent fewer particles and approximately 10 per cent less nitrogen oxide.

“Renewable diesel fuel ensures cleaner combustion with fewer emissions. Despite this, there are neither reductions in performance nor disadvantages with regard to service and maintenance intervals,” says Werner Kübler, head of engineering at MAN Engines.

The use of an exhaust gas after-treatment system also does not have any negative effect on system components or the drive’s efficiency if ‘green’ fuel is used, says the company. The use of renewable diesel fuel does not require any changes to be made to existing vehicles or the refuelling infrastructure. The renewable fuel can be refuelled in a pure form, meaning 100 per cent renewable diesel fuel without the addition of conventional diesel fuel.

Specifically approved for renewable diesel fuel are the MAN D2862, D2868 and D2676 series with 12, 8 and 6 cylinders, which are used in yachts and sport fishing boats as well as work boats. This includes the full MAN marine engine performance range from 200 to 2,000 HP (147 to 1,471 kW).