Young people set sail with Tall Ships Youth Trust

Young people from Buckinghamshire have taken part in a youth development opportunity with Tall Ships Youth Trust (TSYT), thanks to The Clare Foundation.

The youngsters are a mix of boys and girls, aged 12 to 25, from three Buckinghamshire-based charities, Lindengate, Youth Concern and Wycombe Youth Action.

For their sailing adventure, the young people were split into two groups. The first five-day voyage set sail from Portsmouth’s Gunwharf Quays Marina on Sunday 16 October and the second left on Sunday 18 December. 

Jordan Emmett, 21 from Wycombe Youth Action, took part in the first voyage. He says: “The voyage was really fun. It was challenging but rewarding. My favourite part was steering the boat in choppy conditions.

“I made lots of new friends, which I didn’t expect and have improved my team working skills massively.” 

The Clare Foundation, which was founded by Mike Clare in 2009, has fully funded two four-night voyages with TSYT for the second year running. The charity brings together key partners, businesses and charitable organisations to facilitate multiple-stakeholder projects and create positive change across Buckinghamshire.

Mike Clare, founder and chairman of The Clare Foundation, adds: “I am all for providing young people with the opportunity to have adventures, to take to the sea or mountains or forests across the UK, just get into the wild open countryside.

“For them to go on this adventure with TSYT, not alone the sailing, but the opportunity to meet other young people, will hopefully give them a more positive outlook on life.  

“My wife Julie and I are delighted to be working with TSYT and charities in Buckinghamshire to make this happen.”

The young people will sail along the South Coast onboard one of TSYT’s 72ft Challenger vessels — famous for having sailed twice round the world as part of the Global Challenge Races.

TSYT is the UK’s oldest and largest youth development sail training charity. Out on the ocean, TSYT empowers young people to realise their full potential, supporting them on their journey to adulthood and for some, careers in the maritime sector and the blue economy.

Alastair Floyd, chief executive officer of TSYT, says: “We’re delighted to be partnering with The Clare Foundation once again to support young people from across Buckinghamshire. Working and living together onboard, the young people, guided by our professional crew, will get involved in all aspects of voyaging onboard the Challenger vessel.

“The experience will help them to develop communication, teamwork and critical thinking skills that they can take back to their communities and develop further following their experience.

“We’re looking forward to supporting more young people from the county on our new three-voyage programme from 2023, as our partnership with The Clare Foundation grows.”

Throughout the residential adventure, the young people will be doing everything from steering to food preparation, maintenance and cleaning.

The sailors will write daily blog entries to document their experience and time at sea, which can be read on the trust’s website.