Watch: Man saves money by paddleboarding to work

Alex Kell, a financial planner from Gloucester, says paddleboarding to work has helped him save around £2,500 a year in petrol and parking costs.

“I’ve paddleboarded for about five or six years,” Kell told Euro News.

“A couple of years ago I moved to a location that put me right on the water, so it allowed me to paddleboard not only in my leisure time, but also as my daily commute.”

Kell, who owns Quayside Wealth Management, gets his stand-up paddleboard out at his home and paddles the mile up the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal to work.

He told SWNS that the unique commute gives him much needed thinking time as a business owner, and helps him unwind after a stressful day at the office.

Kell told the BBC he prefers to paddle on days without wind, when the canal is calm.

Image courtesy of Alex Kell

Back in 2018, this footage of a person commuting in New York was released.

Main image courtesy of BBC.