VIDEO: Emirates Team New Zealand land speed team reaches 200km/h

Emirates Team New Zealand has finally been able to report some good news in its attempt to beat the land speed world record attempt.

After what has seemed like endless weather delays over the past couple of months, Horonuku got to make the most of a dry Lake Gairdner with breeze that is edging closer into the required zone for world record attempts.

The team re-rigged Horonuku in searing 40-degree temperatures in preparation for the expected 20+ knot SW front on Sunday evening.

“We could see the clouds changing and wind starting to build, which it did pretty rapidly so we were ready to go,” says Glenn Ashby.

“The breeze kicked in and we were straight into it. The guys gave me a push start and pretty much the best breeze we saw was in the first two runs. The first run we had about 20 knots and we got up to 190km/h.”

Ashby says there was “just the slightest increase in wind pressure and the speeds kept clocking up. So we were happy to be able to get over 200km/h.

“That was as much breeze as we had all day but we managed to get another 10 runs after this in what was a very stable breeze of around 17 knots for the remainder of our session.”

It was the most positive session for the landspeed team so far. Currently the team is trying to identify obvious elements that can be improved to increase performance to be able to achieve the best speeds possible.

“The steering was tough work,” says Ashby.

“There is constantly a lot of load on the steering, so this is the main focus to identify solutions to lighten that load as this will help with performance. From 90-95 true wind angle, which is where I am building vital speed, it was really heavy but as soon as I bear away though, the steering wheel is neutralised and unloaded and goes very light and floaty. So to be able to build speed more efficiently and effortlessly will help in reaching higher speeds before the bear away.”

Ray Davies, who is also on the ground at Lake Gairdner, is clear on what the next few days’ sailing objectives need to be in similar wind conditions.

“We probably won’t be sailing in record-breaking breeze, but certainly there will be enough to get into those top-end speeds, so we need to keep pushing our configurations to be getting the most out of Horonuku. Also a key element is just getting as much time as possible in that 200km/h zone that Glenn becomes more and more comfortable so when he needs to make a push to the maximum speed he can, he is not completely out of his comfort zone.”

“It was exactly as I have been picturing it in my head and how I expected it to be at those speeds,” says Ashby. “There is plenty going on but am 100 per cent comfortable to keep hanging on and sending it until it taps out. It is bloody awesome.”

The team are waiting for optimal wind conditions to provide the opportunity for an attempt at an ‘official’ world record run.