Vauxhall Railway Bridge, Gt Yarmouth, Restrictions/Closures
Change to Notice to Mariners No 15 of 2012 – Vauxhall bridge /closures/restrictions (attached below for information)
Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances there will be a further full closure of Vauxhall bridge on Monday 26 November. From Tuesday 27 November there will be a 9 metre restriction of the total width under the bridge but there will be no restriction in height or width of the navigation channel. During this period vessels normally able to navigate through the bridge will still be able to pass through but slight delays may be encountered. The partial restriction will now continue until Friday 7 December. At all times, please approach the area with extreme care and caution taking note of any signage or directions given.
Notice 15 2012
NOTICE TO MARINERS No.15 of 2012 replaces previous notice No 8 of 2012
Vauxhall Railway Bridge, River Bure, Great Yarmouth
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Norfolk County Council will be carrying out repairs on the Vauxhall Railway Bridge (near the River Bure entrance) from 5 November – 30 November 2012
Monday 5 – Friday 9 November
Monday 26 – Friday 30 November
During the above periods between 08:30 and 20:00 works will be undertaken to the first quarter of the bridge. There will be a 9 metre restriction of the total width under the bridge but there will be no restriction in height or width of the navigation channel. During this period vessels normally able to navigate through the bridge will still be able to pass through but slight delays may be encountered.
Monday 12 – Friday 16 November
Monday 19 – Friday 23 November
During the above periods between 08:30 and 20:00 works will be undertaken to the second and third quarters of the bridge. During this period there will be no access through the bridge. Warning notices will be placed upstream and downstream of the works.
At all times, please approach the area with extreme care and caution taking note of any signage or directions given.
Any queries concerning the works should be addressed to Norfolk County Council Resident Engineer Tim Ellis who can be contacted on 07885579597 or tim.ellis@norfolk.gov.uk