Preventing Plastic Pollution
It is easy to blame companies for the amount of plastic waste entering waterways but 30.4 per cent of the waste actually comes from the public.
Over the last year or so the plastic pandemic has finally caught the attention of the population and is forcing the government and the public to make different lifestyle choices. For example, a 5p carrier bag charge was brought in for all major shops, this then has persuaded many to start bringing their own reusable bags to shops.
Plastic is not only a lifetime landfill problem, but it is also an affliction on our oceans and waterways. Canals, river, streams and lakes are all being polluted with this material, and what’s worse, some of the plastic found in these bodies of water will take upwards of 650 years to break down.
Those that live on narrowboats or are avid boaters will be able to see the pollution as they sail along as it frequently gets caught on the river banks or can be seen floating with the current.
If you are looking for narrowboat moorings for sale there is a certain responsibility to ensure you look after the environment. It doesn’t take big gestures to fix this plastic problem, in fact if many made small changes they could make a big difference. These changes are as simple as recycling properly, swap disposable for re-usable and find eco-friendly alternatives.
The post Preventing Plastic Pollution appeared first on All At Sea.