Pedalo World Champonships
After organising three events in 2017 and 2018, the first pedalo circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight and gaining the Guinness World Record for 100m on a pedalo, Watermark Event Management have decided to continue their very successful fundraising efforts for WetWheels by organising the second Pedalo World Championship to be held at Kings Manor Reach on the River Yar in Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, on 4 August, 2019.
They are seeking four person teams, which may be any combination of boys and girls, to race four pedalos in a series of heats over a 200m course with the first two crews in each heat going through to a semi- final and the first two crews in each semi-final reaching the final.
The now coveted claret jug trophy will be awarded to the winning team. A minimum donation of £500 per team is required by way of entry fee although teams or corporate sponsors are encouraged to dig deep. They will supply a sponsorship pack to assist in fundraising if required.
If you would like to enter as a company, a club or as an individual raising a team please contact them as soon as possible at pedaloworldchamps@gmail.com or on 07802 678591 for further details or to obtain an entry form. The deadline for applications is the end of June, 2019. £50 deposit required per team.
There will be a cash bar and BBQ for supporters on the day and competitors will be offered a free lunch. All family, friends and supporters welcome!
A water taxi service using WetWheels boats will run from Yarmouth Harbour to Kings Manor and back before and after the racing for those who do not wish to drive.
Teams will be able to practice on the pedalos on 3 August by prior arrangement.
Details of WetWheels activities providing disabled and disadvantaged people the chance to go to sea and enjoy the water may be found on their website www.wetwheelsfoundation.org
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