How to Start a Business Using the Boatshed Secret Sauce
If you're looking for a new direction in life and love the idea of working with boats you may like this story of how our business model, training and support recently helped Paul Watson to start a new business.
He’s just into month two of owning Boatshed Yorkshire – it’s a complete change of working life for him and he says, “I’m loving every minute, so far and I can’t see that changing!”
What first got you interested in boats?
As a true Pisces, I’ve always had an affinity with the water! My first experience (though I don’t remember it!) was aboard a Vestella cabin cruiser on the Norfolk Broads, which my parents and grandparents rented each year. I was all of 6 months old then, and returned every year until I was around 9 or 10 (I do have a pic with me on it, but can’t find it! This picture is one my Dad took in 1959, the year after I was born).
My first boat, which I bought when living in Peterborough, was a Shetland 535. My pride and joy! (I was very much a “stink-pot” man in those days). I then moved on to a Norman 24 with a bit more room and cruised the Nene for a couple more years, before divorce and job change forced me to give her up.
What’s your current boat?
Having moved on to join the “rag and stick” brigade, I am now a true “yachtie”, with a half share in a beautiful Bavaria 39, based out in Nidri in the Ionian. She’s still on a charter fleet, but we get to sail her around 4 weeks a year.
What made you choose Boatshed?
A fortuitous opportunity, really. I’d been looking for something to do with either boats or horses (my other love!), which I wanted to move to, job-wise, when I left Saudi Arabia to return to the UK. I happened on the ad for the sale of Boatshed Yorkshire while I was looking for another boat to buy!
What are the more challenging aspects of what you do?
The size and spread of my area – Yorkshire is the biggest county in the UK and my territory encompasses more or less everything from the Tyne to the Humber (since there is no-one in the North East as yet) and from the North Yorkshire coast (Whitby/Scarborough and Bridlington), right across to the Lancashire and Cumbria borders, encompassing everything from offshore trawlers, power boats and sailing yachts, to river cruisers and narrow boats.
What is the best thing about your job?
Two best things – the diversity of what I am being asked to list and getting to chat about a passion, with like-minded individuals. It’s not just about selling their boat for them; it’s about getting to know them and the communities in which I operate. Most of them are fairly close-knit – we’re like that in Yorkshire!
What is great about boating where you live?
There are so many water-borne outlets to choose from – lakes, reservoirs, canals, estuaries, rivers (tidal and non-tidal) and the fabulous, picturesque North Yorkshire coast (which is Jurassic, of course, Dorset doesn’t have a monopoly on that).
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of selling their boat?
Choose Boatshed Yorkshire, I have a passion for all things boating and am very much local, whilst having the support of the outstanding, global brand that is Boatshed.
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of becoming a broker?
It has to be a passion – this is absolutely not a 9-5 Monday to Friday job. However, if you want to work around boats and boat people, from dawn to dusk, this is the job for you!
Do you love boats?
A Boatshed business could earn you £80,000+ p.a. We’ve made great headway in becoming the worlds largest brokerage, we’re now seeking enterprising people to join our ranks. All business models include training and support, marketing materials and access to the ground breaking Boatshed™ System. It's like a secret sauce for success! Find out more at BoatshedBusiness.com
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