Gosport Marine Festival is this weekend!
Gosport’s waterfront will spring into action this Saturday as hundreds of people take to the water in rowing boats, yachts, stand-up paddleboards, kayaks and more.
“There are so many great things on offer for all the family,” says Mitch Youngman, chairman of the festival organising committee. “You’ve still got time to book one of our excellent watersports such as rowing, sailing and trips out on a yacht. There are a couple of places remaining so get online to book now and have a great experience this weekend via gosportmarinecene.com.”
Opening event
The event will be officially opened by Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire, Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel John Jarvis and Peter Melson, Chairman of Gosport Marine Scene at 10am, before activities get underway at Millennium Timespace Sundial, Trinity Green, and Dean and Reddyhoff’s Haslar Marina.
Interactive map
A detailed interactive map with events, and times, is well worth exploring online at Gosport Marine Scene’s website (gosportmarinecene.com). The website also has all the details needed to book free sailing, kayaking and rowing sessions.
Live entertainment
As well as all the events at sea, there is plenty to do on land. The Millennium Timespace Sundial will feature an eclectic mix of entertainment from 10am including the Rose and Thistle Pipe and Drums, Woodcot Primary School Choir, Shantymen, Regis Troopers, Big Noise Community Samba Band, Synchronise Hip Hop School, Glenn Ford, St Vincent’s College, Fareham Rock Choir, Portsmouth Military Wives Choir and Louis Charles.
Festival exhibitors
Exhibitors around the festival include Hampshire Isle Of Wight Wildlife Trust, HM Coastguard, Riverford Organic, Hampshire Fire and Rescue, 5th Gosport Sea Scouts, Andark Diving Tank, Royal Navy and Royal Marine Recruiting, Lee on Solent Sailing Club, T Jays Inflatables, GAFIRS, RNLI, Tourist Office, Angel Sailing, Port and Lemon, Fresh Air Learning, Bacchus Yachting, Utility Warehouse and more.
Little Shipmates activities
For those too young to go afloat, there’s also Little Shipmates for 3-5 year olds. Upstairs at Trinity Church, children can build a model raft between 10am-12pm from recycled materials and create marine themed arts and crafts between 2-3pm. (Please book places in advance).
As well as all the activities taking place at the Cocklepond, Portsmouth Model Boat Display Team’s D-Day action presentation will take place at 1pm.
“This festival goes from strength to strength,” Mitch continues. “It’s all down to our brilliant team of volunteers, helpers and sponsors who all get involved to help bring these wonderful opportunities to the local and wider communities. We hope that every activity will help inspire someone to make the most of the terrific coastline that Gosport is blessed with.”
For more information, visit https://gosportmarinescene.com/events/gosport-marine-festival.
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