An international jury has cleared French sailor Clarisse Crémer and her husband, Tanguy Le Turquais, of misconduct, after allegations of cheating during the Vendée Globe.

On 12 February this year, screenshots of WhatsApp conversations between Cremer and her husband were sent anonymously to several media outlets and the French sailing federation (FFVoile), alleging she had benefited from routing information from Le Turquais during the 2020-2021 Vendée Globe.

Crémer was skipper of Banque Populaire in the Vendée Globe 2020-21, while le Turquais was on the support team. The Vendée Globe is a solo race without outside help, and the rules strictly prohibit skippers receiving outside assistance.

The anonymous submission contained 14 screenshots of WhatsApp messages between Clarisse and Tanguy, from an unknown source, sent during the race, using the boat’s phone and Le Turquais’ own phone.

After receiving the material, FFVoile asked Alain Leboeuf, Vendée Globe president, to appoint a jury to analyse the veracity of the information and its content.

Five pictures included examples of route images generated by Le Turquais. This concerned different parts of the race (passage of the Theta low pressure, approach to Cape Horn, return passage of the equator and finish).

Clarisse Crémer on Banque Populaire X during the closing stages of the Vendée Globe - photo © Clarisse Cremer

Crémer on Banque Populaire X during the closing stages of the Vendée Globe. Photo courtesy of Clarisse Crémer.

The routes did not include any detailed information about wind, wave states, time and course options that Crémer could adapt for her own use for routing. The international jury said it accepts that Le Turquais was trying to understand Crémer’s intentions, for his own reassurance for her safety (as husband) and in order to answer media and family questions.

Two pictures related to Crémer having a problem with her AIS, and wishing to check whether she was visible on the MarineTraffic website.

The final pictures relate to Crémer’s projected finish, in relation to severe weather conditions. The jury decision highlights this was an issue raised by race management, which was providing competitors with advice and weather information and encouraging them to co-ordinate their plans with their teams.

For this reason, a WhatsApp group was created with the race management, the boat, the shore team and the weather consultant. The decision finds that the timing of her finish was also a relevant issue for the media and for personal arrangements. Her boat was several hours behind the previous finisher and several hours on front of the next boat.

Crémer’s weather models used with the routing program was more sophisticated than Le Turquais’, and she was using it for many hours every day.

“The international jury is entirely convinced that there was no misconduct on the part of either Clarisse Crémer or Tanguy Le Turquais and you will understand that it is not for me to make any comment whatsoever on a decision taken by the federal sporting authority,” says Leboeuf. “I therefore take note of these conclusions, which were reached in complete independence.”

The identity of the person who released the pictures is not known. The pictures’ metadata has been removed, and there is no other evidence of misconduct.

In conclusion, the jury found that the screenshots do not demonstrate that “routing” took place as defined in the accusation, the decision reads. The jury concluded that Crémer did not ask for routing advice from Le Turquais, she never followed any of the screenshots from Tanguy. In addition, the jury finds the screenshots were not useful information for her, as she was always in possession of better information and had the time to work on her plans.

Skipper Clarisse Cremer, Banque Populaire X, is pictured celebrating with flares in the channel during arrival of the Vendee Globe sailing race, on February 2 - photo © Jean-Louis Carli and Alea

Crémer celebrates during her arrival at the end of the Vendée Globe. Image courtesy of Jean-Louis Carli/Alea.

The decision also notes that the race management team applied the NoR article ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ at the end of the race for Banque Populaire, due to safety concerns due to high winds and exceptional weather, to ensure safety of the competitor and her boat. This included permitting conversations and options for Banque Populaire’s finish.

It is noted that Crémer did ask Le Turquais’ opinion about her finishing route intentions, but that was for safety, and included the possibility of deliberately slowing, to avoid low tides or a night-time arrival given the bad weather. These were issues to which race management had alerted all competitors and shore teams of boats likely to be affected. She therefore did not receive outside help.

While Le Turquais had sent several course options to Crémer, on his own initiative. While the jury felt that ‘this was not a wise or necessary thing to do’, it accepts that his intention was to ‘get clarification of Crémer’s plans’ rather than to ‘advise her what to do.’

The jury says it is ‘completely satisfied’ that was no misconduct by either Clarisse Crémer or Tanguy Le Turquais, and dismissed both allegations of misconduct against the couple.

“It’s a great relief. With Tanguy, we didn’t really doubt ourselves, but it was really a nightmare these last few weeks,” Cremer, who skippered Banque Populaire into 12th, added. told AFP.

“We feel that we can finally turn the page and start again devoting 100 percent to the preparation of our two projects,” the 34-year-old adds.

After being shockingly dropped by sponsor Banque Populaire following the birth of her child, Crémer is returning with a new team and a new sponsor to pursue her Vendée Globe 2024 ambitions. The couple have questioned the motive and timing of their anonymous accuser to AFP, as preparation begins for the next Vendée Globe starting in November.

Main image of Clarisse Crémer on Banque Populaire X finishing the Vendée Globe courtesy of Olivier Blanchet / Alea #VG2022.

The post French skipper Clarisse Crémer cleared of misconduct in Vendée Globe appeared first on Marine Industry News.