Two boxes on a pontoon which form the EFOY range of fuel cell power generators. EFOY fuel cells use Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) technology

Fischer Panda UK is going to be distributing the EFOY range of fuel cell power generators on behalf of Fuel Cell Systems. EFOY fuel cells use Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) technology. The process is said to be quiet and clean as chemical energy is turned directly into electrical energy. Fuel cells use methanol from a specially developed fuel cartridge and combine it with oxygen from the air to generate electricity. The only by-products from the process are a small amount of heat, water vapour, and a little carbon dioxide.

“At Fischer Panda UK we strive to keep up to date with the latest green solutions and offer alternative power system solutions which our customers can make informed choices about,” says Chris Fower, sales and marketing director at Fischer Panda UK which will also be stocking replacement fuel cartridges for the system.

“It’s important for us to have an environmentally conscious offering alongside our diesel generator option and not to be purely categorised with diesel systems as we all embark on the green transition journey.  But it’s also important to recognise that not all our customers want or have the scope to transition to greener alternatives due to budget, application, concerns etc and that conventional diesel systems are still in demand and required.

“I believe the adoption of methanol can be scaled quite easily and quickly as it’s easy to access unlike newer fuel types such as hydrogen, for example. The main concern with methanol is safety, and this is where proven and reliable brands like EFOY with their easy re-fuelling sealed cartridges and safe track record, eliminates this concern.”

Similar levels of power are generated to solar, although EFOY’s system does not need to rely on good weather to charge. The system constantly monitors the battery voltage, only supplying power when needed to meet ancillary power requirements of onboard systems.

“We are delighted to add the EFOY range to our power portfolio and to be able to support our customers on their journey to a greener, carbon free future,” continues Fower. “EFOY uses the latest innovative fuel cell technology for mobile hybrid power solutions and we’re really excited to be able to offer this greener option to our customers.” Earlier this year the company announced it’d entered a strategic partnership with Clayton Power

“We’re excited to partner with Fischer Panda UK to showcase the EFOY Fuel Cells,” says Henry Mills, sales manager from Fuel Cell Systems. “Having sold the product for over ten years, we know it is reliable, eco-friendly and resilient and are confident that Fischer Panda will deliver fantastic service and product support to marine customers across the UK.”

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