December 2020 BoatBId - Auction is live !
December 2020 BoatBid - Auction is LIVE !
December 2020 BoatBid could be the place that you find your next, or first boat!
Bidding starts this morning at 0900hrs (GMT), and ends on Sunday 13th December, at 1900hrs GMT.
You can read the full descriptions of the entries by clicking through to the catalogue here.
Here is a selection of the vessels in the December 2020 BoatBid...
BoatBid.com's online boat auction means you can bid with confidence that each boat can be surveyed and sea trialled before you make the final decision to purchase.
Our BoatBid Guide for Buyers, is essential reading for anyone looking at bidding on our Auction, a step-by-step guide to make the process transparent and straight forward.
Best of Luck !