August 2020 BoatBid - Entries open
August 2020 BoatBid - Entries are Open
August 2020 BoatBid will be taking place from Monday 3rd August - 0900hrs BST and ending on Sunday 9th August - 1900hrs BST.
Entries are open now and it couldn't be more straightforward to enter:
If BoatBid is new to you, take a look at our video on how to sell your boat with our accredited brokers taking you through our full boat sales process.
Our Buyer's Guide is essential reading if you want more information about buying on BoatBid.
BoatBid enables boat buyers to bid with the confidence that any boat can be surveyed and sea trialled before they make the decision to purchase. The transaction is handled by a Boatshed accredited broker.
Monday 3rd August : 0900hrs BST to Sunday 9th August : 1900hrs BST